
Out of responsibility: Sustainability in many areas

As a regionally rooted family business with a long history, sustainability is very close to our hearts. On the one hand, it means taking responsibility for the environment; on the other, it’s an integral part of our actions. Our Group-wide sustainability team defines topics, standards and procedures for this purpose. In direct exchange with the management, the best decisions are thus made for people, the environment and the company.

Contact us Sustainability Report 2023

Joining forces to achieve more

With the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations has adopted 17 goals for sustainable global development. As a company, we want to make a positive contribution to this. In health and well-being, we have always done so: On the one hand, our BFS technology with forward-looking Pharma applications secures the supply of sometimes vital medicines. On the other hand, our containment systems protect products and people while producing highly active ingredients.


Versatile thought: Climate and resource protection

We all face many challenges. Our biggest one is climate change. Using resources as sparingly and efficiently as possible is our duty. Rommelag wants to be a role model here. External audits (e.g. by the FDA or the Regierungspräsidium) confirm both our responsible production and waste disposal for recycling.


Good overall eco-balance: BFS packaging

For our primary packaging, we use high-purity Pharmagrade plastics that can be regranulated and reused. In terms of production and transport, they have a better overall eco-balance than glass. In addition, plastic containers are shatterproof, so there is no product loss. When disposed of, the plastics burn to form water and carbon dioxide.

External audits (such as the FDA or the Regierungspräsidium) confirm our responsible manufacturing and waste disposal for recycling.

recycling (1)

Guarantors of efficiency: Machines and digitization

Highest quality and long service life are our standards for all our bottelpack, inspection and cap welding systems. This also includes the possibilities of maintenance, repair and modernization, which saves resources.

In addition, our machines are highly economical, energy-saving and process-optimized - especially with precisely tailored digitization and automation solutions. The use of raw materials is designed to be as low as possible. Plastic waste that cannot be avoided is regranulated and, in some cases, fed straight back into production. Thermal energy can be recovered. Compact machine dimensions ensure less space requirement and, consequently, more economical cleanroom operation.

All of this helps our customers achieve their own sustainability goals.


Investment in the future: efficient production facilities

We are loyal to our sites and regularly invest in their infrastructure. For example, at our Swiss site in Zell, we have installed a photovoltaic system (160 kW) and a groundwater well (600 kW) to meet the energy requirements for heating and cooling buildings and machinery in an environmentally friendly way. When we build new facilities, such as the Pharma2020 building in Sulzbach-Laufen, we pay attention to efficiency and the economical use of resources. In the future, we want to drive the switch to renewable energies.


Clean thing: Waste water plant for water protection

The Kocher River flows close to our site in Untergröningen. For the protection of its ecosystem, we have installed a sewage system. As a result, the production water is fed to the treatment plant separately from the wastewater from the yard areas. In addition, we constantly check the pH and temperature of the wastewater to detect any anomalies and quickly intervene at an early stage.

Water protection is also essential to the Untergröningen fishing club. It is strongly committed to junior staff work and renaturation. We support that.


On new paths: E-mobility and Remote Work

During the Covid 19 pandemic, it became apparent that a lot of work can be done remotely. In the future, we will therefore continue to weigh the need for business travel and maintain the positive effect of digital communication on our emissions balance. At the same time, we are investing in emission-free mobility: through the purchase of e-company cars, e-charging stations at all locations and the JobRad program for our employees.


Well-adjusted balance: CO2 emission

The activities of our group of companies cause greenhouse gas emissions every day. In 2019, we had them recorded for the first time and offset them by purchasing climate protection certificates. In this way, we support forest reforestation in Uruguay (Verified Carbon Standard certified) and a hydropower project in Uganda (CER certified). This makes Rommelag one of the first companies in our industry to voluntarily offset its emissions under the Clean Development Mechanism.


Loyal partner: for customers, suppliers and employees

For us, sustainability also includes relationships with a long-term perspective. We maintain this relationship with our employees, customers, and partner companies. That is: We stand by our word and support where we can.


Always at your service: successful customer retention

The partnership with our customers goes far beyond the design and technical support of the machines. We share know-how, provide support in packaging design, optimize production processes and accompany our customers throughout the entire life cycle of their machines. They can rely on consistent product quality, delivery reliability, and fast troubleshooting. This has created stable customer relationships over the decades.


Shaping the future: Partners and suppliers

We attach great importance to smooth business relations. That is why we choose our partners carefully. Together we are working on sustainable solutions, for example, degradable plastics.

We encourage our suppliers to optimize their services and transport of goods in terms of ecological and social standards and to comply with the relevant laws. You need certain certifications and have to exchange sustainability-related data with us. The basis of our mutual business relations is our Code of Conduct.


Promising: the Rommelag Crew

The core of our company is the people who work here. We owe our long-term success to their skills and creative ideas. We reward them with attractive conditions and development opportunities and lay the foundation for many years of loyalty to the company.

98% of our employees have permanent employment contracts. We train over 100 young people every year and take on 85% of them after graduation. We are just as proud of this as we are of the fact that over 40% of our employees are women, which puts us above the industry average.


Out of conviction: social action and commitment

We are a family business with strong values. As such, we protect and support our employees, promote communities as well as the regions of our business locations, and bear responsibility for society.


Higher Good: Health promotion and application safety

As a service provider, machine supplier and provider of containment systems in the pharmaceutical industry, we work in an industry that is essential for health. With our BFS machines and packaging solutions, we make a valuable contribution to people's well-being. We guarantee safe use of our products for you and our customers.

Our containment system reliably protects people and bulk materials from contamination. In some work areas, this means that protective clothing can be dispensed with.

As an employer, we ensure occupational safety, a pleasant working atmosphere and better work processes. We promote the well-being of our employees through company health management, sports programs and health days.


Social interaction: Teamwork and integration

We attach great importance to harmonious cooperation. To this end, we also promote team building and support joint activities outside of work. If there are conflicts, we address them openly to resolve them together and draw positive results from them.

Equality and non-discriminatory treatment of all employees is essential to us. We facilitate the integration of foreign specialists through language courses. In doing so, we work locally with other regional companies to strengthen integration outside the workspace.


Fair play: social commitment and sponsoring

Wherever we operate, we contribute to the region's and country's sustainable social and economic development. We support local people and communities through a variety of sponsorships. In particular, the promotion of local sports and youth is a concern of ours. In rural areas in particular, it is essential to offer young people prospects and opportunities for leisure time.


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